Steve’s Soccer Shots Presents ….

Premium Predictions Club - Top soccer betting tips straight to your inbox.

Join The Premium Predictions Club Now!

Ever since I started Steve’s Soccer Shots and the Bet of the Day project, followers have been asking me for more tips.

That’s why I came up with The Premium Predictions Club. For members only, I will publish around 3 to 10 or more fully researched soccer match outcome predictions at odds of 1.20 or higher. (Recently, I have had a few successful bets over 3.0).

Now I don’t want to pass on any old tips that prove to be worthless. I would soon lose you, my audience, if I did that. No, all of my predictions are thoroughly researched to provide the best chance of winning.

As you can imagine, all this research, particularly on a busy weekend, takes up many hours out of the day. If The Premium Predictions Club takes off, it’s going to become my full-time job. It’s not only the research, but the administration, and maintenance of the infrastructure takes up a lot of time also.

This is why I need to make The Premium Predictions Club a paid subscription service.

Don’t worry – I’m not going to rip you off!

Most people selling stuff online will itemise all the benefits you will be receiving, total the cost of each item, and come up with a ridiculously high price for their product.

Don’t worry, I’m not about to do that!

I wanted to come up with a fair price, one that would enable me to continue with the project on a full-time basis but not so high that it could be considered as ripping off my loyal followers.

After much consideration, I believe the right price for a Standard Membership subscription is 9.99 GBP per calendar month.

But you won’t even have to pay that much if you are among the first 1,000 subscribers!

I think 9.99 GBP per month is a fair price for a standard membership package but I also want to be extra fair to all those of you who have remained loyal to Steve’s Soccer Shots throughout the early days of the project.

That’s why I am going to offer the first 1,000 subscribers the full standard membership package for half price for as long as your membership continues.

That’s right! You can join Steve’s Soccer Shots Premium Predictions Club for just 4.99 GBP per month for life!

Now with one month free trial membership!

Now you don’t have to part with any money until the first month of your membership passes. Try The Premium Predictions Club for free for one month. If you like it and want to stay a member, you need to do nothing, you will be billed automatically. If you decide you don’t want to stay with us, just cancel your membership any time before the due payment date. You’ve nothing to lose!

After the first 1,000 subscribers have joined, the price will have to go up to the full 9.99 GBP. Why? – because I will have to start taking on extra staff to cope with the numbers.

So my advice is if you are going to join The Premium Predictions Club, to do it now at the guaranteed-for-life low price of 4.99 GBP per month. Even if the full price goes up in the future, the founder members’ price will stay at 4.99 GBP. And now you get the first month free!

There are no contracts. You can cancel your membership at any time. See our Terms & Conditions

See you on the inside!