Bet of the Day edition 238

Free Bet of the Day - The best of Steve's Soccer Shots' daily football betting tips.

Friday, 3rd November 2023

Washout in Valencia

As far as Bet of the Day is concerned, Thursday was a washout. Our chosen match, Atzeneta vs Zaragoza was postponed due to inclement weather. All bets were voided, so if you did follow my tip, you should have your stake money back by now. On the bright side, we remain unbeaten in November!

In contrast, The Premium Predictions Club had another good day. We started with eight selections, though this came down to seven with the postponement. From the remaining seven, we had five wins. This gives a 71% win rate for the day and a 77% win rate for November.

I’ve checked the weather forecast for today’s Bet of the Day venue and, although there will be rain early in the morning, everything should be fine for kick-off time. You will learn all of the details for today’s Bet of the Day when you watch this YouTube Short.👇

Regular visitors will know that I am conducting The No Lose Strategy experiment with Bet of the Day as of 1st October onwards. For this experiment, the default betting stake is 1 point. When there is a loss, the next stake is raised to compensate the bankroll for the previous loss. To make up for the small amount of lost ground yesterday, we’ve raised today’s stake to 1.82 points. Should today’s tip win, it will bring the bankroll up to where it would have been if we had won yesterday as well.

At the end of the first month of combining The No Lose Strategy experiment with Bet of the Day, we have turned a loss of nearly 12 points into a profit of over 6 points. That’s a gain of over 18 points. However, we need to consistently repeat this month after month before we can call the experiment a success.

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By Steve

I'm a soccer betting enthusiast using ever-improving strategies to beat the bookie. Through this website and social media, I aspire to help inspire others interested in football betting to do the same.

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